A Very Busy But Fun February

As I turned the calendar page to March I noticed there wasn’t a blank day in February. Every day had something scheduled and some days more than one event. I love being busy and enjoy being out with my friends. I didn’t move to Mexico to just sit in my apartment.

Valentine Decorations

Valentines Day is a very big deal In Mexico. The February full moon is called the moon of love and friendship. In celebration of this I did my first painting at our monthly Full Moon Fiesta. My painting style is definitely “Grandma Moses primitive”

Titled “A boy and a girl in a little canoe with the moon shinning all about“

February is Sailfest time where volunteers provide many activities to raise money to build schools for children in needy areas. Just a few of the activities are pictured below.

The local rotary sponsored a Paella Fest where we sampled many different paella entries.


I celebrated my 80th birthday at Tonio’s Porque No restaurant where my friend, chef and owner put on the best spaghetti feed and made the tastiest cakes for me a large group of my friends.

In between all these wonderful and fun events there are dinners and happy hours with friends.


We were excited to see Escollera with the lovely infinity pool reopen, it has always been a favorite spot.


Finished up the month with a trip to the street fair in Bara de Potosí spending the night at the charming Casa Del Encanto.

Entrance to Casa Del Encanto
Charming and peaceful courtyard

Signing off KO